Thursday, February 22, 2007

so far

-spoke to dave T today re: borrowing a camera (it's SD and no 24p, so just for backup in case i can't get the panasonic dvx-100B that i AM IN LOVE WITH). he was encouraging, and sounded like it woudlnt be a problem. hopefully that means it's not terrible

-brainstormed possible alternates to caffeine (ritalin, adderall, nicotine, alcohol) but nothing really fits. maybe cigarettes. but i really dont want to smoke. asked Kathleen, Dave T, Dino,

-called Dave S to ask about drugs, camera

-Celine agreed to assist me

if coffee ~ 10 disposable single shot espressos (ie, individual cups)
location: home, living room or BR. or at EW if there's a well lit corner
frame rate: i want to do 24p. i need to figure out if this is instinct or just vanity. everyone looks beautiful at 24p.
res: SD
camera:panasonic dvx100B if possible. otherwise, 3ccd if i can, worst case: whatever i can get free.
interval: no more than 5 minutes. i have to test this. i think probably it will take 1' to drink it, then 2' in between is long enough to get uncomfortable, but too long for audience? not sure. the accumulation of cups may attract curiousity. and if i decide to smoke, it might depend on how quickly they burn down. that could help add conflict.
exhibition: video galleries, CDT shows, i'll try youtube/google video, though i'm not expecting a warm reception. i'll call EAI on tuesday.
framing: no idea. this always sucks for me. i think close framing is good for SD to get details of the discomfort, but head space makes sense to me
props: meditation pillows (check), yoga pants/shirt, cell phone alarm (check), ashtray if relevant

-emailed Sven/Anezka/Colleen for submission guidelines to CDT 10yr anniversary exhibition

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