Wednesday, February 28, 2007

excerpt from an IM re: what-is-your-art-about type question

i make really long boring videos of myself doing normal things like drinking coffee and putting on skirts. theyre about accumulation, poison, consumption, addiction. for thesis, i put on all of my skirts one over the other. i had around 45 skirts at the time. and i did other ones where i put on all of my makeup, drank milk out of all of my glasses (i drank so much freaking milk for that one), carried around all of my bags (20 or so), it was about the conflict between wanting too many things and actually having them. about wanting to consume so much, but then actually trying and failing at it.

i'm making another one in which i am meditating, and every few minutes my cell alarm will go off, and i will drink a shot of espresso. i want to do it for 40 min, with 10 shots. it's just a study. a redux of an earlier piece that wasn't successful. qw'll see if this is any better ;> BUT it will be very boring, hahahah.

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